Make Payment to Collins & Company, Inc.

Collins & Company, Inc. processes payments for its services through iTransact.

Collins & Company, Inc.
7491 N. FEDERAL HWY #C-5213
BOCA RATON Florida , 33487
(310) 721-7515


Thank you for your order. You're on your way to vibrant health! Cheers, Kelly

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Description Quantity Price Total
These particular products support those with active cancer and those in recovery because they achieve the key things needed for healing: o Reducing inflammation o Activating powerful antioxidant activity o Boosting immune system o Increasing glutathione production o Facilitating Phase II detoxification (bodys ability to break down toxic components and waste and remove them from the system) o Promoting apoptosis (programmed tumor cell death) 1 $229.00 $229.00

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